Re-Imagining Short-Term Missions

Short-Term Missions Podcast Intro: What's this about?

December 22, 2022 Forrest Inslee Season 1 Episode 2

If you are wondering whether this is a podcast for you, check out this short introduction episode. We seek to answer two basic questions: 

  • What have we been doing in the name of short-term missions? 
  • And what ought we to be doing in the future?

This podcast is intended to help you and your faith community to answer these important questions. 

  If you’ve been searching for podcasts about short-term missions, chances are you already suspect that what most of the church calls “short-term missions” doesn’t exactly line up with what we read in the bible about missions. If you are anything like me—or like any of the people you’ll hear in this podcast—you probably think that there’s got to be a better way. Well we think so too, and that’s what this podcast is all about: Imagining better ways to engage the world and to play the part God wants us to play in the wider mission of the church all over the world.  

 The people we’ll feature in this podcast are calling for increased creativity, more humility and mutuality, and more attention to context and culture. These are folks who have begun experimenting with new approaches to short-term missions--approaches that challenge the status quo and offer new ways forward. This podcast is a platform for these visionaries who are calling for better ways for the church to engage the needs of the world. By sharing their experiences, our hope is to foster rethinking and creative re-imagination about the ways that the global body of believers might work together on a whole new basis.

Most of the folks you’ll hear on this podcast are also contributors to a new book called Re-Imagining Short-Term Missions. So if you like what you hear, and want to learn more about what these folks have to say, the book will be a great resource for you.


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Instagram: @reimaginingstm