Re-Imagining Short-Term Missions
In this podcast we take an honest look at short-term mission practices, and talk frankly about unhelpful models even as we dream of healthy alternatives. In this podcast we look critically at the top-down, one-way, unbalanced relationship dynamics between sending organizations and the communities that receive their teams. Instead, understanding that all churches in every culture are broken in some way, we try to re-imagine how churches in cross-cultural partnership can serve one another in mutuality service. The essential aim of this podcast is to consider new ways for Christ-followers in every part of the world to collaborate, working together to meet the world's deep needs.
14 episodes
Race, Ethnicity, and Missions: Miriam Adeney on Missions Drop Podcast
Recently, one of the book’s contributors, Dr. Miriam Adeney, was interviewed on the Missions Drop podcast. In this interesting conversation with Emily Simmons, Miriam shares about the importance of diversity and unity in the church. She pays pa...
Season 3
Episode 14
Orphanage Voluntourism: David Sanon and Steph DeLuca Robinson on the Upwardly Dependent Podcast
Recently, two of the of the Re-Imagining Short-Term Missions book contributors, David Sanon and Steph DeLuca Robinson, were asked to join a conversation with Dr. Lauren Pinkston on the Upwardly Dependent podcast. In this episode ...
Season 3
Episode 13
New Approaches to Short-Term Missions: Nathan Nelson on the Broken Banquet Podcast
In this episode we’ll be featuring a podcast interview of Nathan Nelson, one of the authors featured in that book. Recently Ashley Goad and Wil Bailey asked Nathan to be on their podcast, called the Broken Banquet, to talk about Nathan’s work i...
Season 3
Episode 12
Thinking Global, Doing Justice in Short-Term Missions: Why care about the wider world?
Recently, Brandon Stiver and Phil Darke asked Forrest Inslee to be a guest on their podcast, called Think Global, Do Justice. Among other things, they about the book he co-edited calledRe-Imagining Short-Term Missions. They also talked...
Season 3
Episode 11
Short-term missions for mutual transformation, with Jay Matenga
What would happen if short-term mission trips were built around values of mutual transformation—instead of the usual top-down, one-way dynamic of “service”? What if Christians in the global north really believed that their brothers and...
Season 1
Episode 10
Short-term missions for long-term relationship, with Robert Katende & friends
What if short-term missions were focused on long-term objectives? What if short-term teams began to measure their success not on the scope of the work projects completed or the number of people evangelized, but instead on the establishmen...
Season 1
Episode 9
Motives for Mission: Confronting our biases and fears, with CJ Quartlbaum
What happens when people who participate in short-term missions do it for the wrong reasons? How much damage can be done by short-term teams when they haven’t taken an honest inventory of their own fears and prejudices—when they haven’t done th...
Season 1
Episode 3
The WHY of short-term missions: Being honest about motives, with Dr. Greg Burch
Why do people go on short-term mission trips? Are the things we do in the name of “missions” actually reflective of the Great Commission? If we’re honest, how many of these trips are really more about the personal transformation of those who ar...
Season 1
Episode 7
Short-Term Missions or Voluntourism? Working against objectification, with Austin Robinson
What happens when visitors to other culture contexts remain unaware of their own personal agendas? How might short-term mission trips be transformed into opportunities for learning and listening–and for putting aside assumptions? What if humili...
Season 1
Episode 6
Re-Orienting for Re-Imagining Short-Term Missions, with Angel Burns and Forrest Inslee
What happens to our valuation of people when we think of them as “the mission field”? When we relegate churches to that sort of box, is it really possible to think of them as our equals, or to see them as potential partners in service?
Season 1
Episode 5
Humility in Short-term Missions: Learning to learn, learning to love, with David Sanon and Stephanie Robinson of Konbit Haiti
When it comes to short-term missions, how can we learn about history and culture of the people we go to serve—and even more importantly, how can we begin to build strong working relationships with our hosts before we go? How do we cultivate the...
Season 1
Episode 4
Alternatives to short-term missions: Stories of Practical Re-Imagination with Dr. Miriam Adeney
Are short-term mission trips really the best way to invest a church’s resources? If sending churches have come to rely on mission trips as a way to encourage personal growth for those being sent, what are alternative ways to achieve those goals...
Season 1
Episode 3
Short-Term Missions Podcast Intro: What's this about?
If you are wondering whether this is a podcast for you, check out this short introduction episode. We seek to answer two basic questions: What have we been doing in the name of short-term missions? An...
Season 1
Episode 2
Can we talk? Honest conversation and short-term mission partnership, with Emmanuel Karegyesa
Can we honestly speak about short-term mission “partnerships” if one partner is always the giver, and the other always a receiver? What makes a sending church assume they know what is best for the people they want to serve—even when their...
Season 1
Episode 1