Re-Imagining Short-Term Missions

Humility in Short-term Missions: Learning to learn, learning to love, with David Sanon and Stephanie Robinson of Konbit Haiti

February 21, 2023 Forrest Inslee, Stephanie Robinson, and David Sagnon Season 1 Episode 4

When it comes to short-term missions, how can we learn about history and culture of the people we go to serve—and even more importantly, how can we begin to build strong working relationships with our hosts before we go? How do we cultivate the humility among team members that helps us to work quietly alongside the people we visit, rather than assuming a role in the spotlight? 

In this episode, Forrest talks with two of the authors from the book Re-Imagining Short-Term Missions—David Sanon and Stephanie Robinson of the nonprofit Konbit Haiti. As an organization that has hosted many short-term teams, they have learned that the challenge of re-imagining short-term missions requires that short-term visitors learn to “stand in the back” as they serve cross culturally, rather than assume roles of leadership or expertise.

(A note about the voices you’ll hear in this episode: In addition to sharing her own views, Stephanie will translate David’s responses as well.)

Konbit Haiti

Northwest University MA in International Community Development


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Instagram: @reimaginingstm